A runaway pregnant teen named Katya Warshawsky. A widowedempathetic doctor named Robert Lewis. The Chicago streets of the late 1960s pulse with hippie harmonies, tie-dye fabrics, and anti-war protestors. Katya dreams of a more creative life than she finds at her working-class home; thus, she launches onto the streets and meets up with various characters who help and hinder her as she tries to understand her mixed-up world. Robert steps out ofhis comfortable office life into the streets, determined to find Katya and help her with her pregnancy while also finding solace from his lonely life. A remarkable double-layered journey of self-discovery in an era in many ways starkly parallel to our own. Masterful character development and a detailed tapestry of people, places, and historical detail make for a compelling, memorable novel. Available on Amazon and all fine bookstores.
--Gini Grossenbacher